Finger paint canvas
Finger paint canvas

finger paint canvas

  • Give your canvas to your child and let them play! Your baby may finger paint, or pick up the bag and shake it (like my daughter did).
  • Either way, be vary careful not to smear the paint dots.
  • Very carefully, either slide the canvas into a zipper baggie, or carefully wrap the canvas in saran wrap.
  • It is all really up to you and your vision.

    finger paint canvas

    You could add the drops randomly, or create an ombre or patterned effect. Bigger drops closer together will get you a swirled wetter look, like mine, while smaller drops further apart will get you more distinct color differences.

  • Decide what you want your final product to look like.
  • Zipper baggies big enough to fit your canvas (easier) OR saran wrap.
  • finger paint canvas

    Multiple acrylic paints- You could make your art match any room in your house! I chose a brick red, orange, tan, green, and blue, which all match the decor in my living room.Canvas- You could do one large piece, a few small pieces to accent art you already own, create a collage of fingerprint art, whatever you want!.My daughter made these when she was 10-11 months old. I unfortunately haven’t hung them yet so I can’t include a picture of the completely finished product, but here is a picture of the four small canvases. I decided to buy four small canvases and create accent pieces for a larger piece in our living room. My daughter has done two mess-less finger painting projects so far, and I wanted to share them both with you. However, like all ideas I steal, I took the idea and made it my own. I have seen this idea floating around Pinterest, so I cannot take credit for it.

    Finger paint canvas